Our Bumblebees classes encourage separation, support the building of positive relationships, foster confidence and independence, and focus on physical development, communication and language and personal and social development.
ladybugs - 3y4m to 4.5y
Growing independence and love of learning
Our Ladybugs classes help children to advance social skills, develop a sense of self and belonging, instill the important values of cooperation and empathy.
Photo credit: Ms Lisa
butterflies - 4y to 5.5y
Embracing a sense of self and curiosity
Our Butterflies classes work to increase skills and capabilities, support self-expression and self awareness, and help children to prepare for the transition to primary school.
The Perfect Transition to Primary School Our inviting and vibrant learning community is the perfect way for children to transition to international schools after the summer, with a teaching style that positively supports and prepares children for primary one.
Our children go on to attend leading local schools, international schools and private independent schools in Hong Kong.